Special Terms for CFD Trades

These special conditions for trading CFDs (“CFD Special Conditions”) apply to Conclusion of financial
contracts for difference (“CFDs”) via TradesVisions. In this context, TradesVisions acts as an “intermediary”
between the trading customer and the MetaTrader 4. The transactions are concluded via technical
access in the intermediary’s online front end on the MetaTrader 4 platform.

The CFD trades are concluded for the account of Customers. A CFD is a financial instrument in which the
customer relies on the he speculates on the expected price development of underlying assets (e.g.
stocks, indices, exchange rates), without to purchase these yourself.

CFDs involve a high risk of financial loss. Trading CFDs requires extensive knowledge and experience with
complex financial instruments as well as financial resources and is therefore only customers of the
relevant target market, especially with appropriate knowledge and experience.


1 Scope and relationship to other conditions
1.1 These CFD special conditions apply to all trades regarding CFDs with the intermediary and
MetaTrader 4 Application. They apply between MetaTrader 4 and the Intermediate and become a mirror
image between the intermediate and agreed with the customer.
1.2 For trading CFDs, these CFD special conditions are subject to any other agreed terms Conditions for
the business relationship or specially agreed services between the customer and the intermediary. In the
event of any contradictions between the present CFD Special conditions and any deviating more general
regulations apply CFD special conditions prevail over any other conditions of the intermediary when
trading CFDs.
1.3 The customer can access the CFD special conditions at any time View https://tradesvisions.com/ in
the currently valid version.

2 Trading platform
2.1 Operator of the platform: MetaTrader 4 operates an electronic trading platform for the Trading CFDs
(“trading platform”). MetaTrader 4 enters so-called “contract prices” into this trading platform. These are
the courses at which he is generally prepared to open or close CFD positions on an underlying asset
(“Contract Rates”). In the trading platform there is an overview of each CFD with the relevant
information Information relevant to the CFD and the underlying assets at the time. This overview is
referred to as “product details”.
2.2 Exclusion from trading: The intermediary reserves the right to exclude customers from CFD trading, if
you are suspected of using the trading platform for improper purposes. This can… Example be the case if
they (a) enter into arbitrage-driven trades; the means exploiting price deviations (e.g. which are
determined using computer programs). Generate profits without that be exposed to relevant market
risk; (b) use software that is not provided by MetaTrader 4 for CFD trading in order to to hereby place
orders on the trading platform; or (c) engage in market manipulation (e.g. attempt to sell yourself or in
Agreement with third parties to influence the pricing of the contract prices).
2.3 Technical access to the platform: Access to the trading platform is via technical access made available
to the intermediary (via the homepage, in Log-in area or via mobile applications. For access the
conditions for electronic access apply to the trading platform.
2.4 Changes to the scope of services: The scope of services the trading platform can be expanded with
MetaTrader 4 or be restricted. In particular, MetaTrader is 4 entitled to make technical changes and to
take all measures that he or she deems necessary for one the proper operation of the trading platform is

3 General provisions regarding CFD transactions
3.1 CFD trading: A “CFD position” is a certain number of contracts on an underlying asset (“Contract
Quantity”) at the execution price set by MetaTrader 4. A CFD position is opened by executing an order.
3.2 The change in value of a CFD position is recorded as a difference between the trading volume at
position opening and the trading volume Position closure (profit and loss) determined.
3.3 Long and short positions: When opening a CFD position, the customer has the option of: to bet on
rising or falling contract prices. If he bets on rising contract prices (CFD long position), the customer
submits a purchase order. He then realizes at one a positive change in the value of the contract price and
a negative change in value a loss. If the customer bets on falling contract prices (CFD short position), he
submits a sales order. In this case he realizes at a positive change in the value of the contract price
results in a loss and in the event of a negative change in value, a profit.
3.4 Margin: Opening a CFD position requires collateralizing a portion of the trading volume.
3.5 Specifications of individual CFDs: The exact specifications of a CFD, in addition to these CFD special
conditions, from the product details and the list of prices and services for CFD trading, which are
available on the trading platform.

4 Opening and closing a CFD position
4.1 The role of the intermediary: The intermediary acts within the framework CFD trading as a
commission agent for the customer.
4.2 Contractual relationships: To open a CFD position or To close, the customer enters a so-called “order”
into the trading platform, i.e. an instruction Opening or closing the CFD position. This entry causes the
completion of a Commission business between intermediary and customer. The content of the
commission business is the order from the customer to Intermediary, a CFD position on behalf of the
customer set in the trading platform and in the price and service list for CFD trading to open or close
with MetaTrader 4 according to the stated conditions. Coming true of the commission business, the
intermediary offers MetaTrader 4 the opening or closing of the CFD position in your own name, but for
the account of the customer. If MetaTrader 4 accepts this offer, the so-called “Execution transaction”
comes into being, i.e. it becomes a CFD contract between MetaTrader 4 and the intermediary. The
intermediary gives the customer what he has received from this execution transaction the customer
concludes a CFD contract that is a mirror image of the execution transaction (so-called “fulfillment
transaction”). The acceptance and execution of an order is confirmed by notification confirmed on the
trading platform. An order is only accepted if it is in the trading platform is displayed. MetaTrader 4 is
not obliged to accept orders.
4.3 Economic effect of the commission business: The The customer cannot claim anything from the
execution transaction against MetaTrader 4 and arises between the customer and MetaTrader 4 no legal
contractual relationship. The intermediary represents the customer by completing the Fulfillment
transaction, however, economically as if he were directly with you the MetaTrader 4 would have traded.
Any claim that the customer has against the intermediary from the fulfillment transaction, is limited to
what the intermediary itself obtains from the relevant execution transaction has. The customer
therefore also bears the economic risks of the execution transaction. The customer also bears the
fulfillment risk for the CFD transaction and therefore – in addition to the default risk of the intermediary –
also the possible risk of failure of MetaTrader 4 itself.

5 Base values
5.1 Possible underlying values: Basic values for CFD transactions can e.g. E.g. stocks, precious metals,
currencies, index futures, raw materials Futures, cryptocurrencies and other values that are attached to
the respective relevant Reference markets are traded with the publication of reference prices. The
possible underlying values can be found in the product details in the trading platform.
5.2 Reference market: The relevant market for an underlying asset “Reference market” can be found in
the product details. Changes are made by setting in the trading platform and is effective at the time
notified there.
5.3 Reference price: The relevant price for an underlying The “reference rate” is determined depending
on the relevant price Reference market. MetaTrader 4 provides the reference prices for some underlying
5.4 Dividends: If dividends or distributions are assigned to an underlying asset, this will be done on
Dividend or distribution date is the product of dividend or distribution amount (if applicable after
deduction of taxes due at the relevant time) and contract quantity credited to the trading platform (at a
CFD long position) or charged (for a CFD short position). The individual dividend or Distribution amounts
can be viewed on the trading platform.
5.5 Underlyings with expiry date: Certain underlyings (e.g. Futures) have a fixed expiration date. The
market maker determines for CFDs concluded on a corresponding underlying asset will also have an
expiry date, but this does not correspond to that of the underlying value must match. The expiry date of
the respective CFD is usually in the Product details can be viewed. The MetaTrader 4 can be used cheaply
the respective expiry date is at your discretion Change CFD – even several times. The intermediary or
MetaTrader 4 will not be the customer inform separately about the expiry date of the CFD or the
underlying asset. If the customer has one open CFD position does not close independently in time an
automatic forced closure. The respective last trading day as well as the relevant ones Times for the last
position opening and closing of a CFD (corresponding to the respective trading close of the relevant CFD
on the last trading day). can be viewed in the product details. An automatic rollover, i.e. the closing and
reopening of positions does not take place.

6 Taxes

Any taxes incurred in connection with the CFDs are to be borne by the customer.

7 Course position
7.1 Price setting by MetaTrader 4: The setting of Contract prices in the trading platform are considered a
request by the MetaTrader 4 to the intermediary to submit offers (so-called invitatio ad offerendum) to
conclude CFD contracts in accordance with these CFD special conditions. The setting does not constitute
an obligation for MetaTrader 4 to conclude CFD contracts.
7.2 Price setting: MetaTrader 4 endeavors to Trading times of the respective CFDs, regular contract prices
under normal market conditions for the CFD. However, MetaTrader 4 has no legal obligation.
7.3 Categorization of the contract prices: The respective trading currency of the contract prices is the
Product details can be found. The MetaTrader 4 takes the quotation continuously over several Price
levels (so-called “market depth”). In the trading platform The respective current market depth is shown.
7.4 Formation of contract prices: MetaTrader 4 forms the contract prices by adding premiums or
discounts to the reference prices taking into account the market depth. The relevant contract prices refer
to this at the time of opening a CFD position to the relevant time Buy price (Ask) of the reference price
for CFD long positions or sell price (Bid) of the reference price for CFD short positions; at the time of
closing a CFD position on the Selling price (bid) of the reference price for CFD long positions set at the
relevant time and Buy price (Ask) of the reference price for CFD short positions each taking into account
the market depth at the relevant time.
7.5 Price setting in the event of disruptions: MetaTrader 4 can be used in the event of disruptions,
extraordinary events or extraordinary corporate measures Temporarily or permanently restrict the
position of the contract prices or suspend. MetaTrader 4 will, as far as possible, limit or suspend the
price position announce on the trading platform.

8 Customer orders
8.1 Electronic and telephone order placement: In principle, order placement, modification and –
deletion via the electronic trading platform and by telephone via the support team Intermediaries
8.2 No obligation to execute: In principle there is no obligation on the part of the intermediary or
MetaTrader 4, to execute an order. A claim for partial execution the order does not exist either.
8.3 Deletion of orders: Orders can be subsequently deleted by the trading platform. if: i. the validity date
of the order has been reached or, in view of a technical update for perpetual orders Trading platform
requires deletion. ii. the last trading day of a CFD with an expiration date has been reached. iii. a
disruption, an extraordinary event or a There is an extraordinary capital measure, iv. Trading in CFDs is
suspended by sovereign measures or is prohibited, v. MetaTrader 4 does not provide contract prices for
the relevant underlying asset for any other reason provides more. A deletion of the order is confirmed by
displaying it on the trading platform.
8.4 Order rejection: Furthermore, MetaTrader 4 can Reject an order to open a CFD position without
giving reasons.
8.5 Execution price: The respective CFD position is opened at the “execution price”. Here is for a CFD
long position Buy price (Ask) and for a CFD short position the sell price (Bid) decisive. Upon closing the
corresponding CFD position the reverse then applies that for a CFD long position the respective Sell price
(Bid) and for the CFD short position the buy price (Ask) is relevant. To determine the execution price,
MetaTrader 4 first takes into account the quoted quantity of the first price level of the market depth. If
this quoted quantity is available Order execution is not sufficient, the following price levels will apply
used one after the other. The execution price is then: quoted volume-weighted average price (VWAP).
8.6 Costs: When executing orders, commissions, fees and other costs are due immediately. These costs
are displayed in the product details.

9 Position evaluation
9.1 Unrealized Gains and Losses: The Change in Value of an open CFD position is calculated as the
difference between the trading volume at the opening of the CFD Position and trading volume at the
respective valuation price determined. In each case there is an unrealized profit or loss. For CFDs in
foreign currencies, the conversion takes place at the respective valuation point unrealized profit/loss to
the official applicable at the time of assessment Currency exchange rate from the currency of the
underlying asset into USD. The currency risk for unrealized gains and losses is from customers to bear.
9.2 Fees for open CFD positions: For CFD short positions, borrowing costs can be charged based on the
The rental rate stated in the product details will apply. The product details show the The current rental
rate is set every business day when the business opens.
9.3 Overnight financing costs: If open CFD positions are held beyond the respective trading deadline
Overnight financing costs (SWAP) also apply. The calculation basis for these results from the list of prices
and services for CFD trading.

10 Capital
10.1 Capital: The transactions made by the customer are displayed on the trading platform at any time.
This enables the Customers, the open CFD positions and the requirements to always be able to monitor
the amount of the margin to be provided independently and independently. On the trading platform the
customer is given the information he needs Total capital provided for CFD trading as well as changes in
the value of open CFD positions Current margin, free capital, fees and other financial obligations in each
case Reported in connection with CFD transactions.
10.2 Total capital: The total capital is that of the customer the trading platform used specifically for CFD
trading and capital posted to the CFD account. It is ongoing in the trading platform intraday reported and
updated and records, among other things, the current margin stored in each case for open CFD
positions, the balance of unrealized and realized profits/losses as well as the other amounts owed from
CFD trading (e.g. costs and commissions). In contrast, dividend payments, taxes and overnight financing
costs are not incurred intraday adjusted, but are included in the total capital at the end of the day.
10.3 Free capital: The capital listed in the trading platform as the »Free “Capital” is the difference
between the Total capital and the current margin. from open CFD positions. The free capital is available
to the customer available for opening (further) CFD positions.

11 Margin setting and calculation of the margin
11.1 Margin: To open and hold a CFD position is the customer is obliged to provide a so-called “margin”
in the form of money Amount of a partial amount of the trading volume based on the to place the
respective CFD position. The margin serves to ensure the fulfillment of the pending obligations
obligations to the intermediary from open CFD positions. The amount of the margin is calculated as a
product of the trading volume of a CFD Position (converted into USD if necessary) and the margin
parameter. The “trading volume” is the amount of a CFD position is traded. It represents the opening
and closing of the CFD position is the product of the contract quantity and the respective execution
price. For an open CFD position the trading volume is continuously calculated as a product Contract
quantity and contract price at the respective time. The “Margin parameter” is a percentage predefined
for the respective underlying asset, which represents the Product details can be found. A claim to
payment or release of the deposited the customer only has margin against the intermediary. A An order
to pay out or release margins provided is issued transmitted via the trading platform.
11.2 Margin: When opening the CFD position, the the corresponding amount is automatically blocked on
the CFD account and is therefore no longer part of free capital.

12 Forced closing out
12.1 Forced closing out: If the total capital reaches or falls below the current margin, open CFD positions
will be without the consent of the customer and the intermediary in whole or in part closed (“forced
12.2 Automatic forced close-out: A forced close-out occurs automatically and is carried out via the
Trading platform notified.
12.3 Prioritization:
12.3.1 In principle, all CFD positions are initially taken into account, whose reference market is open and
where there is sufficient liquidity in the order book is available.
12.3.2 The open CFD positions are displayed in descending order The size of the respective margin is
completely closed out (i.e. the CFD position with the highest margin first), until the total capital exceeds
the current margin.
12.3.3 If a customer has both CFD long positions and If you hold CFD short positions on an underlying
value, the respective CFD long or CFD short positions are Positions for the purpose of Determination of
the highest margin is summarized and the corresponding margins are added.
12.4 Bearing losses; No obligation to make additional payments: A compulsory closing does not
necessarily prevent this the calculated loss exceeds the total capital. In this case, even if a CFD Position
was closed too late by MetaTrader 4; i.e. mathematically a debit balance would have arisen on the CFD
account, The customer is not obliged to make additional payments. The customer is therefore not
obliged to deposit an amount in excess of that in the CFD account available capital to be paid to the
intermediary. This also applies to payments under warning notices. Since the customer’s obligation to
make additional payments is expressly excluded, MetaTrader 4 bears this corresponding risk and in these
cases equalizes the corresponding amounts in relation to the Intermediary.

13 Warning notice
13.1 Warning: If a compulsory closing is due to a In principle, the customer is threatened with
insufficient total capital This is indicated by a message on the trading platform (“Warning”).
13.2 No obligation to trigger: Neither MetaTrader 4 However, neither the intermediary nor the
intermediary is obliged to send a corresponding warning Other than that, especially fast ones and
sudden movements in contract prices lead to this could mean that a corresponding warning is not sent in
time can be triggered. It is therefore the responsibility of the customer to always manage open CFD
positions themselves and to monitor independently. The customer can join monitoring open CFD
positions and margin Requirements do not rely on receiving a warning in a timely manner.

14 Disorders; Extraordinary Events; Extraordinary capital measures
14.1 Rights of MetaTrader 4 The MetaTrader 4 can be used in the event of malfunctions, extraordinary
events Events and extraordinary corporate measures in the sense this takes all measures to avoid losses
which he will make according to the circumstances and taking into account of all affected interests at our
reasonable discretion considers necessary or appropriate. In particular, MetaTrader 4 the provision of
contract prices temporarily or permanently restricts or suspend, adjust premiums and discounts, adjust
the margin Increase parameters or force close open CFD positions. MetaTrader 4 will take appropriate
measures in advance as far as possible Announce trading platform. The MetaTrader 4 will be legal
Obligations to prevent and, if necessary, treat Be aware of conflicts of interest.
14.2 Market disruptions: A “market disruption” occurs when trading in the underlying asset on the
relevant reference market is suspended or restricted or the trading of options contracts based on the
underlying asset on the futures exchange largest trading volume Options contracts relating to the
underlying asset are suspended or restricted, or There is a so-called hedging disruption, i.e. MetaTrader
4 no or only a significantly limited possibility has its market risk from the respective execution
transaction to be secured by carrying out appropriate exchange rate hedging transactions completes
what is necessary at its reasonable discretion, or the MetaTrader 4 the corresponding underlying value
due to legal or official requirements MetaTrader 4 can no longer or may no longer be used to hedge
against market risk Execution transaction the underlying asset due to a lending transaction from a third
party and the loan business from them terminated or otherwise terminated by a third party. There are
no restrictions on trading hours and trading days as a market disruption, provided that the restriction is
based on a previously publicly known change in the regular trading hours of the underlying asset in

14.3 Force Majeure; Disruption to operations: In the event of disruptions to operations due to force
majeure, riots, war and natural events or by others Events that MetaTrader 4 does not have to represent
extend into these CFDs Special conditions provide for deadlines and defined periods around the duration
of the disruption. A case of force majeure usually also occurs if: the MetaTrader 4 due to something for
which he is not responsible Act or omission or an event for which he is not responsible (including failure
of the energy supply, its communication or other infrastructure) is unable to set contract prices on one
or more underlying assets; a reference market is closed or on a relevant one Reference market trading in
an underlying asset is discontinued; in a relevant reference market or underlying asset limits or other
exceptional rules or restrictions are introduced; trading in the underlying asset is suspended or
prohibited due to sovereign intervention.
14.4 Extraordinary events: “Extraordinary events” occur when extraordinary events occur Price
movements or liquidity losses of one or more underlying assets in a reference market have taken place
or there is reason to believe that they are imminent. This is particularly the case if the following: Events
that are imminent or have already occurred: Publication of company news (e.g. ad hoc announcements,
takeovers, balance sheet results) Announcement of economic data (e.g. labor market data)
Macroeconomic, political or social events (e.g. debt cuts, crises and political elections); the respective
reference price of an underlying tends towards zero or becomes negative.

15 Termination Rights

For terminations of the CFD account by the intermediary, the general terms apply
Terms and conditions referenced. After termination takes effect, the intermediary will continue to do so
Only carry out orders to the extent that these are subject to the closure of any still open CFD positions.
As far as the customer such If CFD positions do not close themselves, MetaTrader 4 will close them
Forced closing request from the intermediary. After closing of all open CFD positions, the intermediary
becomes the CFD account close.

16 Applicable Law Applicable Law: These CFD Special Terms are governed by UK law